Sunday, March 8, 2015

Chai butter cookies

Nothing better after a day outside than hot tea and treats. Butter cookies are so delicious, easy to make and bake that they are a great pick!
Recently I am trying to look for the perfect Chai to drink and I think I found a very good one in Cape Town, unfortunately it's a bit difficult for refill. After trying Starbucks (too blend), Pukka (too much cinnamon), Marks & Spencer... I think my favorite is M&S! I'm also trying to make my own Chai with soya milk and spices, not bad but needs some more research.
All this to say that since I have all the spices on the shelf I made some Chai butter cookies. Using the recipe in last week post, I added grinded cinnamon, fresh grinded ginger, cardamom seeds to the dough. And as the plum blossom season is at its peak I shaped the dough in plum flowers with a shape bought in Kappabashi dori.

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