Monday, March 2, 2015

Homemade gyoza

Japanese meal for Parisians today! I've decided to make gyoza, it's quite simple and much better than the one you can buy in Paris. 

You just need chopped pork  meat (or veal) about 200g for 40 gyoza, add 3 leafs of Chinese cabbage thinly cut, a piece of ginger grated, 3 black mushrooms (dried shiitake) cut in thin slices, soya sauce and one spoon of potato flour. Make balls and put them in the round dough (bought in a Japanese grocery, but you can also make your own). I used a shape to close the gyoza, but there is also a technique to close them without.
A drop of oil in a fry-pan, when the gyoza are golden on each sides, add some water and wait a couple of minutes. 

Eat with soya sauce, spicy oil and pepper. 

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